Guide de la Région

Cheapest Regions to Live and Buy a Property in Istanbul

Cheapest Regions to Live and Buy a Property in Istanbul

Overview of the Real Estate Market in Istanbul Istanbul stands as an attractive hub for real estate investments, primarily due to its unique position between Europe and Asia. This strategic location enhances its appeal in terms of transportation facilities, tourism, entertainment options, and convention tourism, making it ripe with real estate opportunities. 
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The Guide to Living in Mersin as a Foreigner

The Guide to Living in Mersin as a Foreigner

Mersin, also known as İçel, is a coastal city located in southern Turkey. It lies between the Taurus Mountains and the Mediterranean Sea, offering stunning natural landscapes. It is renowned for its rich historical sites, pristine and well-maintained beaches, and unique attractions, although it may not be widely recognized among foreigners. The city's coastal location makes it a popular tourist destination. It's the perfect place to go if you want to relax and have an exciting adventure. If you're a foreigner and desire to visit or live in Mersin, you should kno...
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Top 7 Places to Buy Seafront Houses in Turkey

Top 7 Places to Buy Seafront Houses in Turkey

Turkey offers incredible opportunities for investment, comfortable living, and luxury holidays. From its sunny beaches to dense forests, from leisure activities to active business life, the country is ready to welcome guests from all over the world. Beautiful nature, clear sea, the abundance of sunny days per year, luxury resorts, and affordable houses are just a few reasons why Turkey appeals to investors. Seafront houses in Turkey are a unique investment tool. This is an opportunity to purchase housing not only for recreation or your own residence but also to receive a source of...
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Où Acheter Bien Immobilier à Mersin, Turquie ?

Où Acheter Bien Immobilier à Mersin, Turquie ?

Présentation de Mersin et du Secteur Immobilier Avec ses 321 km du littoral et ses 108 km de plages, Mersin est l'une des villes côtières les plus importantes de Turquie. Il a une grande valeur historique en raison de la présence des civilisations hittites, assyrienne, perse, grecque, romaine, macédonienne et ottomane, ainsi que de leurs ruines, a...
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Les Meilleurs Quartiers pour Acheter Bien Immobilier à Alanya

Les Meilleurs Quartiers pour Acheter Bien Immobilier à Alanya

Lorsque nous parlons du climat méditerranéen chaud, du soleil, des plages de sable doré, de la mer turquoise brillante, des divertissements et d'une variété d'autres choses, Alanya est sans aucun doute l'une des premières destinations de vacances qui nous viennent à l'esprit. Tous ceux qui visitent Alanya, les étrangers et les locaux tombent amoureux de cette belle ville, offrant des commodité...
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