
Comment Trouver un Emploi en Turquie En Tant Qu’Etranger

Comment Trouver un Emploi en Turquie En Tant Qu’Etranger

Every summer, a large number of tourists wish to work in Turkey so that they can stay here permanently. They get a desire to live here, but they can only do so if they can find work in Turkey to support themselves.  There is a constant need for qualified, English-speaking individuals around the country. Aside from that, many international firms have marketing, sales, translation, IT developers, and other professional and technical positions that require a foreign worker or are difficult to fill with a Turkish citizen. Summer jobs for foreign workers are also easily available...
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Can a Foreigner Buy a Property in Turkey?

Can a Foreigner Buy a Property in Turkey?

Purchasing a house in Turkey used to be a difficult and time-consuming procedure. However, in recent years, the Turkish government has simplified the regulations for foreigners owning property, and while the procedure is slightly different from most other countries, it is far more simplified. There are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to legal considerations if you are interested in buying real estate in Turkey. Here's a quick introduction to the legal side of purchasing property b...
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Coût De La Vie en Turquie

Coût De La Vie en Turquie

Est-ce cher de vivre en Turquie ? Avant d'analyser les dépenses de la vie en Turquie, nous devons déterminer certains facteurs principaux qui ont le plus grand impact sur cette question. Vivez-vous une vie luxueuse ? Ou bien êtes-vous plutôt une personne de type économe, faisant attention à quoi vous dépensez votre argent ? Ou d'autres personnages de style de vie tels que ...
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Top 9 des Raisons d’Acheter Bien Immobilier en Turquie

Top 9 des Raisons d’Acheter Bien Immobilier en Turquie

Turkey is known for its hospitality and advantageous geopolitical location, making it a significant hub for drawing local and global investors in a variety of sectors, including tourism and real estate, which have significantly piqued investors’ interest. Also, one of the main reasons that investors prefer Turkey to invest is surely the beauty of its nature, Asia and Europe, with a high percentage of the youth population, especially the values that characterize Turkey, which made it a focus of interest for foreign investors in general and turned it into a country open to investors and...
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Guide d'Achat d’un Bien Immobilier en Turquie

Guide d'Achat d’un Bien Immobilier en Turquie

Le nombre des personnes qui souhaitent acquérir leurs pied-à-terres en Turquie augmente chaque année. Pourquoi décide-t-on d’acheter un bien immobilier en Turquie ? Parmi les plus importants facteurs on peut mentionner : procédure d'achat simplifiée, prix au mètre carré, large offre d’appartements neufs et d’occasion, achat immobilier sur plan, avantage concurrentiel par rapport aux autres pays et bonne opportunité de l’investissement immobilier. Il est certain que vous avez une bonne connai...
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